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Peak District Caving News January 2004

Rescue from Titan

Report FromEd.
Report Date18/01/2004.

On the afternoon of Sunday 18th of January a novice caver from Manchester experienced difficulty and became stuck on the pitch above Titan's Event Horizon. DCRO were called to assist. Another party who were in the cave came across the situation and managed to haul the caver up to the top of the pitch and into the surface shaft connection. From there they were winched up the entrance shaft to the surface. A potentially difficult situation was overted by prompt assistance from other cavers.

As a result of the this incident the relatively relaxed access arrangements available to cavers wanting to visit Titan have been revoked. Concerns have been raised with regard to the ease of access to what is a relatively serious undertaking. A resolution is being sought but this may take some time. Titan always has been, and still is, an active exploration site.

Titan is big (in case anyone hadn't noticed!). Anyone planning on going there should seriously consider what is involved. If 475ft is difficult to visualise go and stand at the gates of Hope Cement Works and take a close look at the chimney. It's about 50ft shorter!

The upper section of Titan as seen from the 130m side passage, 130m from the floor. Not a place for dicking about.

Photo: Robbie Shone 21/12/2003.

Fixed Ropes in Winnat's Head Cave

Report FromJohn Taylor.
Report Date01/2004.

A Petzl Twist Hangar and severely corroded maillon have been removed from the top of the "up" pitch beyond the sewer. This leads to all other routes but should not be used until the rigging has been sorted out. The rope is still in place but is hanging over a bad rub point.