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Peak District Caving News July 2005

Cave of the Peak District Guide Book

It's in the pipeline, but it's a long pipe.

Report FromEd.
Report Date07/2005.

Iain Barker, Bob Dearman and John Beck of the DCA have started work on bringing out a new edition of Caves of the Peak District. It's 14 years since the last one and several new discoveries have been made in that period. We aim to get the completed book at the printers in the early spring of 2006 and to have any hope of achieving this we need all the help we can get. In order for the new book to be as up-to-date as possible, we need as much information as we can get from every individual and club who has worked in the area since 1991. Everything from a one metre extension to a known cave, to a brand new hole; to maintain the information available to cavers of the future, as well as the present, it all needs to go into print or much will be forgotton. If your club, or any individual cavers you know of have made even the smallest dig or advance please can we have the details? Even abortive digs need to be recorded to maintain the record.

The way to report your activities/discoveries is simple; just write it up in the same format as an entry in the current Caves of the Peak District and e-mail or post it to;

DCA Access Officer

Iain Barker

56 Thornbridge Crescent,



South Yorkshire

S12 3AE


Tel: 0114-2530112

However insignificant your contribution may be, please submit it all the same, who knows what a future caver may make of it. Thank you for your time and trouble, I look forward to hearing from you in the very near future, Iain.

The last guide was published in 1991.