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Peak Cavern: Breakthrough in the Titan Streamway

Report FromRob Eavis.
Report Date05/01/2009.

On Sunday 4th Rob Eavis and Robbie Shone broke through the choke at the end of the Titan Streamway. They entered a series of chambers and a short, very small, continuation of the streamway. The main way on seems to be a 15-20m high aven which will be climbed soon. The choke is still very unstable and the 2nd chamber is nicely decorated so please can everyone stay away until after the stabalisation and photographic work is completed. Thanks to all who have helped us over the last two months, especially those who have given us digging supplies.

This video was taken during the original explorations from the 4th-9th January.

Video: Rob Eavis. 4th-9th January 2009


Robbie Shone pushing through the tight section.

Photo: Rob Eavis. 4th January 2009

Robbie Shone in Absolution chamber.

Photo: Rob Eavis. 4th January 2009

Update 07/01/2009:

Rob Eavis and Robbie Shone did some work to stabilise the breakthrough choke. Some of the impressive parts (and the not so impressive parts) were photographed. On this trip, the largest of the chambers, now named 'Revelations', looked to be 10-15m high. On the previous trip it looked bigger, in the region of 20m+ but that was largely due to the amount of mist from the digging efforts. However, what looks to be a passage can be seen heading off from the top. Rob and Robbie started bolting towards this from a window 12m up (The Crows Nest) which was accessed via a free climbable passage behind. By the end of the day they were about half way across.

Update 09/01/2009:

Rob Eavis and Robbie Shone completed the "Just In Time" traverse to gain access to a 2m wide, 3m high passage ("Frozen In Time") at the top of Revelations aven. It is extremely well decorated! After a few meters it reduces to around 1.5m high and wide and continues for about 70m. It is very difficult to move through due to the extremely delicate formations everywhere. At 70m in, the passage fills with calcite, but a wet oxbow (the Lake District) passes the restriction and the main passage continues further, but smaller in height. Progress here was very slow and difficult to avoid damaging the formations. About 25m after the Lake District a tight muddy duck was passed but shortly after the main passage, now 3m wide and 0.6m high, was fully blocked with a calcite flowstone formation.

Just before the blockage on the left a small grovel soon met a 1m diameter phreatic tube. Right ended with the same flowstone blockage, however left went for a few meters before closing down to a strongly draughting dig. This will be inspected more closely on the survey/photography trip next week, although first impressions show that this might be close to the surface.

The other way at the end of traverse led into a 20m passage that pops out in the top of Absolution, the smaller of the two chambers found on Sunday 4th. The formations in this passage are even better!

Again, please can people stay clear of these extensions until the formations have been photographed. The total length of new cave is expected to be more than 200m

Robbie Shone bolting across the Just in Time Traverse.

Photo: Rob Eavis. 9th January 2009

Youds Level: Pollution

Report FromJenny Potts, Hon. Sec. DCA.
Report Date06/01/2009.

We have just received a report of very serious pollution in Youd's Level. Despite all efforts and apparent success in getting it cleaned up, it's now worse than it's ever been. Rats were seen down there too (danger of Weil's Disease). It's been reported to the appropriate authorities as a matter of urgency and the keyholder at the Mining Museum has been advised so you won't get a key for a through trip for the moment.