Peak District Caving

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Peak District Caving News Month YEAR

Bagshawe Cavern

400m of new passage found after breakthrough.

Report FromEd.
Report Date05/09/1998.

Anthony Revell and Dave Nixon along with John Taylor and Dave Whiteley have added 300 - 400m of new passage to Bagshawe Cavern. The discovery was made near to The Great Aven and heads in a westerly direction. The passage, varying in size between walking, crawling and stooping ends close to the earlier extensions beyond The Holywood Bowl. If a connection can be made with this area of the cave it would bypass Namraed Aven and the rarely dry and undivable sump which is currently the only route through to the westerly extensions.

next report 04/1999

P8 Rescue

DCRO called to assist caver.

Report FromEd.
Report Date09/09/1998.

Derbyshire Cave Rescue were called out to help a caver who was showing the signs of hypothermia having been caught by a flood pulse following a burst of very heavy rain. Apart from the vast amount of rain falling over a short period a contributing factor to the severity of the pulse was the current state of the fields above the cave, newly stripped, hoed and seeded, causing instant and total run-off. The caver made a full recovery.