Peak District Caving

HomeThe CavesCastletonTreak Cliff Cavern

Treak Cliff Cavern - additional information


,, , Guide Book. Story of Treak Cliff Cavern., Survey.,
Royce, S.J (1945), , Ancient Castleton Caves., pp.42-46. Survey.,
Ford, T.D. (1954), , Trans. Cave Research Group, Vol.3. No.2., pp.123-135. Survey.,
Barker, I. & Beck, J.S. (2010), , Caves of the Peak District, p. 133, DCA
Barnsdall. Martin (2013), Cleaning Treak Cliff, Descent 231, P.12., Wild Places Publishing
Cope, Mark (2014), Treak Cliff Cavern Clean-up, Descent 237, P.12., Wild Places Publishing
Barnsdall, M. & Cope, M. (2018), Finding the Wonder Cave, Descent 260., p.25-27. Survey, Wild Places Publishing