Peak District Caving

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Harrybecca/Evans Gin Mine

Entrance of Harrybecca/Evans Gin Mine


No access agreement in place

Two ancient and deep opencuts linked underground by 1950s fluorspar mining, at NW corner of Hassop Common, 80m below Rowland-Backdale track junction, in the trees. Only safe entrance is in the higher opencut at the west end - walk into the opencut, and follow steep slope into the mine. Squeeze exit at the bottom of the system could be used as an entrance but is not recommended. Lower fluorspar adit is now blocked by a seriious collapse inside and should not be used. Former tramway exit from fluorspar workings downslope in lower opencut (above lower adit) is in a state of advanced collapse, and should not be approached.


Barnatt, J. & Worthington, T. (2009), Metal Mines Through Time, Mining History, Vol. 17, No. 3., pp 6-23. Surveys and sections., PDMHS
