Peak District Caving

HomeThe CavesDerwent NorthNorthcliffe Sough Mine

Northcliffe Sough Mine

Entrance of Northcliffe Sough Mine


No access agreement in place
build Derbyshire Key required.

Access via private track from the Hassop road, ignoring the left branch track at junction (leading to Red Rake Mine). If walking via public footpath through fields from Calver village, the same junction is reached. Follow the footpath running south, below but parallel to the road for 200m to a gravel dam by a pond - turn right into the trees and the old collapsed adit entrance is immediately ahead - do not touch this as it is still collapsing and very dangerous. A drainpipe extends from the mouth of the adit bringing water out of the mine, and this must not be blocked or the mine entrance will flood - please check that the pipe is running freely.

Climb up the steep bank through trees. New entrance is located above and forwards of the old adit, and is 4m of angled twinwall pipe with steel steps, gated with a Derbyshire Key system using a two-link chain and bolt (17mm or adjustable spanner required - gate hinges upwards).

Entrance pipe leads into very delicate and loose shale chamber (care) with rotten timbers partly holding up the roof. Crawl under these (extreme care required) into more stable passage. Drainpipe for the mine to the old adit entrance is situated immediately after the timbered section and is part-submerged - do not block this or the mine entrance will flood - check when leaving that the pipe is clear of shale fragments. Always lock the gate when leaving to avoid future incidents.
