Peak District Caving

HomeThe CavesDerwent SouthGolconda Mine

Golconda Mine


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110m deep engine shaft within the Sibelco processing complex near Carsington wind farm. Access rarely allowed, and strictly by arrangement. For further information contact the Wirksworth Mines Research Group.


Farey, J. (1811), , A general view of the agriculture and minerals of Derbyshire. Vol. 1, p.294., B. McMillan
Puttrell, J.W. (1960), , Bull.P.D.M.H.S. Vol.1. No.2., pp.8-12., Peak District Mines Historical Society
Ford, T.D. & King, R.J. (1965), , Economic Geology Vol.60., Survey.,
Ford, T.D. & King, R.J. (1966), , Trans. C.R.G. Vol.7. No.2., pp.91-114. Survey., Cave Research Group
Barker, I. & Beck, J.S. (2010), , Caves of the Peak District, p. 151, DCA