Peak District Caving

HomeThe CavesDerwent SouthYatestoop Sough

Yatestoop Sough

Entrance of Yatestoop Sough


block No access to this site allowed.

Arched sough entrance on the riverbank on land belonging to H.J.Enthoven Ltd. Driven to drain Winster mines, but explorer access is blocked due to a fall 90m after Sabinhay Shaft, some 500m in. Drainage crosscut at shaft leads upstream to Warrencarr Shaft, lidded with upwelling water. Permission for access not normally granted.


Mitchell, H; White, J; Gunn, J; Fox, B; Humphreys, P; Rout, S. (2022), The Microbial Community Profile of a snottite-like biofilm, Caves and Karst Science Vol 49, No 2, Page 51-56., British Cave Research Association
