Peak District Caving

HomeThe CavesDerwent SouthRinging Rake Sough

Ringing Rake Sough

Entrance of Ringing Rake Sough


vpn_key Key or code required.

Note - 10/08/22 - the passage above Old Jant Mine leading to Gentlewoman's Pipe, which was blocked by collapse, has been re-opened after protracted digging by the Peak Caving Club, and so trips uphill from the sough are now possible again.

Lidded shaft entrance/exit near the sough tail by the River Derwent at Artist's Corner, next to the swings, formerly known as 'Youd's Level'. Lid can be opened from inside without a key; the key to open from the outside is available from the Mining Museum at Matlock Bath. Sough connects to the coffin-level of Masson Sough internally. Deep Shaft is open, and lands near the 'Y' junction two-thirds of the way along the coffin-level - access via Greenhills Farm. Masson Sough eventually connects via Old Jant Mine to Gentlewoman's Pipe at the top of Masson Hill. Entire system is part of Masson Hill SSSI.

This site is part of the DCA SSSI Conservation Monitoring Scheme.
See the DCA website for competition details.


Danger from Weil's Disease from rats associated with sewage seepage in adit entrance.

**WARNING for those considering a through trip from Gentlewomans Shaft. 13/11/2023. DCA has become aware that the quarry is now being used for organised shooting events and both climbers and cavers have been turned away. Please see refer to the entry for Gentlewomans Shaft for further information. **


Warriner, D., Willies, L., & Flindall, R. (1981), , Bull. P.D.M.H.S. Vol.8. No.2., pp.65-108., Peak District Mines Historical Society
Barker, I. & Beck, J.S. (2010), , Caves of the Peak District, p. 165, DCA
Berry, N and Jones, L. (2022), Old Jant Mine Blockage Finally Cleared, The Derbyshire Caver No 156, Page 12., Derbyshire Caving Association
