vpn_key Key or code required.
Behind the supermarket (Heron Foods) on the north side of the main street in Maltby. The cave has had to be padlocked to prevent vandalism and potential problems with the police. Ulley Activity Centre has kindly offered to hold keys for the cave. Cavers wishing to visit are asked to phone in advance to arrange to pick up a key. The address is Ulley Activity Centre, Ulley Country Park, Pleasley Road, Rotherham, S26 3XL (about 10 mins. drive from the cave.) The phone number is (reveal). If no one answers the phone, please leave a message with your phone no. and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
Update, 15/08/22. The padlock on the entrance has recently been replaced - please take WD40 or GT85 to lubricate the lock to prevent future seizing. Additional key is now available via Ed Thatcher at Endeavour Sheffield - contact Ed at (reveal) or ring (reveal)
(Note that access to Herne Hill Caves Nos. 2 and No.3 remains unchanged.)
Caves scheduled as a RIGS.